Comes The Trailer Video, and My End with this Project <3

This is the final version of my final project for this summer and I’m gonna graduate finally! Actually the screengrabing had been so sooooo painstaking because there are too many things without any optimising knowledge and the frame rate went too slow. So my workaround was to disable all others or disable some of the animators when I record the certain part. I have a camera animation for the whole recording process but five versions of build file enabling different part lol. And I went to our lab to use the most powerful machine rather than my own Mac and it went better, with some still jerky. The scene looked reaaallllyyy amazing with the big screen though! The screengrab video was not so it’s a shame I can’t share the best experience 😛

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The background music is by Jim Spalink on YouTube. The music sounds really nice but the best thing about it is that this melody is actually born with this triptych by Bosch! There is a small piece of music painted in the Hell Panel and was transcribed in the recent years. So thank him very much for the permission here again and I think it turns out really nice with the video <3.

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Handed in my project and the 40-page dissertation yesterday. Personally I think this would be a project deserving future developments but at this stage I just want to sleep to the end of the world! Say bye to the most painstaking summer in my life and thanks Bosch and everyone for the supports:)))))


The Architecture 5: Keep Modelling…

Come to update the latest progress of the project.

Now just finished the last two giant buildings on the top right of the painting. Seems quite exciting but still great many of the small pieces everywhere ohhhh hope I could finish all of them…

Anyway. Kind of getting bored with these models of the same kind of vivid colours and I don’t feel in this effect they look as good as the ‘sketches’ in Blender. By the way that inner organ like thing was really crazy to model…

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But the screenshots in Blender in the unfinished editing scenes look very cool and technical, especially with the blank and missing-data shapes! I suddenly feel that it would be a great modern version related card product or something.


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I can actually choose the Unlit texture shader in Unity so that it would look as flat as in Blender windows because they wouldn’t accept the lights and shadows from the environment. I’ve talked about this before and then felt it’s still better to have some more 3D ones. This is really contradictory maybe I just don’t get the good way to balance these knotty needs. Who knows.

A small ‘documentary’ here!
