Shape Keys Animations Finally Work T__T

I WANNA CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah just as the title says. After all those searches experiments struggles, since even a month ago when I found part of the animation was not working…. Searched all keywords I can think about, trying different export settings and even scripts, and also asked my teacher who gave me some experimental suggestions about baking….

屏幕快照 2016-07-17 00.59.18

I now found the reason is just so simple that I was using subdivision surface and mirror modifiers on my models, which shape keys won’t work together with. So many said that Unity just don’t understand animations apart from the transform ones, and said Blender’s shape key animations just won’t work in Unity, but the above post is right and there is the solution. When I tried a human with those modifiers applied and remade the shape keys (so hard to control facial expression when there were so many vertexes this time), export .fbx instead of just the model file, the “BlendShapes” tab just simply appeared under the Skinned Mesh Renderer, and everything just moves smoothly without my doing anything. Nothing to do with anything else!

But I can’t apply the modifiers to models with shape keys, and, this tutorial seems great but don’t work with my complex models with armature. The saddest thing is that I’ve done such a great part of the animations, with everyone set with his own armature & shape keys animation, and with modifiers not applied.

So I’m now hoping that I can manage to use this new human model, importing into all my files, deleting the original human mesh and successfully parenting the new one with the armature. Sigh but better than nothing! Just a month left and… hold on plz everything works plzzzzzzz